

Light shining

Faces upon me

Learning what is me

Braving the next life stage

Finding the first friends in school

Changing into the people we could be

Taking next steps to a new stage, brave

Connections, relationships, and friends expanding in a big world

Big changes, careers taken, a new sense of identity formed

Standing upon pillars of family, we support each other through challenges

Reflecting upon my existence, I wonder what yet to experience in life

Trials grow greater, the costs weight heavier, but I approach each with uncertainty.

The world moves on without me, life each day, I find what is me

Success is hard to define, but I find the answers within others, works for me

Time moves on, sometimes so slow, remember the moments scattered, cherish the good, accept the bad

A pivot point, existing somewhere, still a mystery to me, a line I crossed no where seen

Time moves on, sometimes so fast, remember the moments scattered, cherish the good, accept the bad

Success is hard to define, but I find the answers within me, works for me

The world moves on without me, life each day, I found what is me

Trials grow greater, the costs weight heavier, but I approach each with humility.

Reflecting upon my existence, I wonder what remains to experience in life

Standing as pillars of family, we support each other through challenges

Big changes, careers ended, a new sense of identity formed

Connection, relationships, and friends shrinking in a big world

Taking next step to a new stage, accepting

Changing into the people we should be

Finding my first friends from school

Braving the last life stage

Learning what was me

Faces with me

Light fading
